More information in English
The Norwegian Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (NFU) was established in 1967. It is a national advocacy organisation that fights for the inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities in society. Solidarity and equality are values included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and our vision is an inclusive society.

The organisation was established in order to make everyday life easier for persons with intellectual disabilities and their families.
Knowledge is important if you want to receive the support to which you are entitled. That’s why NFU gives counselling and arranges workshops for our members. We offer support to families, to siblings, and to persons who have an intellectual disability.
What kind of support do you need? What kind of support are you entitled to? What steps must be taken to receive support? Do you disagree with a decision taken by your municipality? We have legal advisers and staff with relevant backgrounds who are willing to assist you. We know that receiving assistance does not always happen automatically.
There are 19 district branches and 190 local branches. We have a General Assembly every 4th year, the next being in 2020. Our President is Jens Petter Gitlesen. NFU has 8500 members all over Norway. Hundreds of elected members and other members organise workshops, meetings and other kinds of activities the year around.
At the same time, we are working for better future living conditions for people with intellectual disabilities by lobbying and advocating towards the government. We have meetings with government ministers and other politicians, and they ask for our opinion when a public hearing is announced.
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